Bill’s favorite shots from our local diving and dive travels

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from January to March 2024

added 11/15/24

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from August to December 2023

added 3/18/24

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from January to July 2023

added 1/28/24

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from July to December 2022

added 5/1/23

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from January to June 2022

added 4/24/23

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from October to December 2021

added 3/9/22

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from August to September 2021

added 3/6/22

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from May to July 2021

added 8/11/21

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from January to April 2021

added 8/10/21

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from October to December 2020

added 3/8/21

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from September 2020

added 12/3/20

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from August 2020

added 10/28/20

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from July 2020

added 10/28/20

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from May and June 2020

added 10/7/20

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from April 2020

added 8/25/20

Bill’s underwater

“Pictures of the Day”

from March 2020

added 8/23/20

Favorite photos from the

reefs, muck, and blackwater

of our 2019 dive travels

added 4/15/20

A short photo essay about shooting nudibranchs and their cousins on stage

added 2/27/18

Three islands in three days

on the Peace dive boat

in August, 2016

added 10/15/16

Five days of diving in

the beautiful emerald waters

around God's Pocket Resort

added 12/31/15

An eleven-day dive trip

through the Inside Passage

on the Nautilus Swell

added 8/31/14

Two days diving the

Northern Channel Islands

from the Truth

added 11/4/13

A week diving the

Midriff Islands

from the Rocio Del Mar

added 11/4/13

Ten days of reef and

critter diving with 

Crystal Blue Resort

added 10/7/12

A few days

in the muck with

Black Sand Dive Retreat

added 12/27/11

Reef and blackwater

diving off the Big Island

of Hawaii

added 9/3/11

A trip through Raja Ampat

and Halmahera on

the MSY Damai

added 11/27/10

A few days in the Caribbean

working on different

lighting techniques

added 8/1/10

A collection of shots of colorful

“flowers of the sea”

from SoCal

added 1/13/10

Favorite photos from our

local Southern California



Twelve days in the

South Pacific islands

on the Bilikiki

added 7/27/09

A week in the

Caribbean on the

Belize Aggressor III

added 11/25/08

Diving in the Lesser Antilles

with Bill Tewes

at Dive St. Vincent

added 12/27/08

A week in the

South Pacific on the

Fiji Aggressor II

added 11/25/08

© 2020-2025 Nannette and Bill Van Antwerp